
●Bugging Out Videos
●Learn critical techniques for survival in any situation
●Expert advice from specialist in this field
●Dual layer disk to maximize the image and audio quality
●Made in the USA


Bugging out. Entire books are written on this subject. In fact the subject warranted its own video in our series. What does it really mean? Are you prepared for having to leave where you are in a hurry? How about your family? What will you take with you? In this video instructors Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury, Jim Cobb, Kyle Harth, and N.E. MacDougald review the bug out bag, the different option between store bought assembled kits and putting the gear together yourself, what gear is essential for your bug out or get home bag, what specific tools and gear they keep in their bags, the pros and cons with different products, rehearsing the bug out plan, navigation, special considerations for bug out planning, and much more. If you like reviewing gear options this video is for you. Equally important, our instructors take the mystery out of gear selection and give you a down to earth approach to picking what you will end up relying on for both short and long term use.