
●Constructed Out of Acrylic ? 10X stronger than glass, 50% lighter, 93% transparency rating. Effortless Set Up - Everything is in the box
●7 Stage Filtration - Biological, Mechanical, Chemical, Water Stabilization & Oxygenation
●LED Lighting - Remote with 16 preset colors & brightness control, Rated Voltage 120V
●Filter Cartridge - Designed to fit all biOrb aquariums
●Easy Feeding Access - Hole located at top of aquarium

[4 Gallon MCR Lighting White]

[8 Gallon MCR Lighting White]

[4 Gallon MCR Lighting Black]

[8 Gallon LED Lighting Black]

[4 Gallon LED Lighting White]

[8 Gallon LED Lighting White]

[8 Gallon MCR Lighting Black]

[4 Gallon LED Lighting Black]


Youll find the biOrb FLOW Aquarium is a really easy aquarium to set up and own. The biOrb FLOW is ideal for keeping small fish or shrimp and is compact enough to place on your desk or in a small space. The biOrb FLOW uses special ceramic media to provide biological filtration, which has a surface area equivalent to the size of a soccer field. Any excess waste is collected and held in a filter cartridge at the base of the biOrb. To maintain all you do is simply replace the filter cartridge every four weeks and change a third of the water. You can enjoy all the technology of an advanced aquarium set up, supplied in one box, making the biOrb FLOW Aquarium the perfect aquarium for anyone new to fish keeping