

Live brightly all day - and all night! - with this fun, endlessly customizable message board from iscream. What better way to add brightness to any day than with a fun rainbow shaped message board that displays your choice of saying! Simply pop the peg-back letters, numbers or characters onto the rainbow colored board to see your inspirational message. Put the board on any flat surface - your dresser, bookshelf, counter or even in your locker - to be reminded of your goals and aspirations! Message board measures 10" wide x 8" tall and includes a 147 piece set of letters, numbers and symbols.

You know iscream as your favorite brand for products that combine colorful fun, to-die-for design and quintessential quality and now iscream has partnered with Fizz Creations to provide even more fun, engaging and quality products for you to enjoy! Fizz Creations pushes the boundaries of design and innovation and partnered with isceam, the fun will just multiply! At iscream - and Fizz Creations - we are obsessed with fun, function and style - see our whole line for new ideas and old favorites with a new twist!