Feature(may vary by option.)

●Durable 80 cm tripod bag for transport
●Thermoform padding for protection, including delicate head
●Durable water repellent design to minimize wear and tear
●Fully zippered closure for easy access
●Adjustable shoulder strap for easy carrying

[120 cms]

[80 cms]

[100 cms]

[90 cms]


the Manfrotto Bags range offers the best protection and carrying solutions with multihandles and internal pockets. This video tripod bag with padding is 31.5 (80cm) long. technical specifications-Internal Base Diameter: 5.91-Inches.Internal Head Diameter: 8.27-Inches.Internal main compartment length(L): 29.92-Inches.External Length(L) 31.5-Inches.External Base Diameter: 6.69-Inches.External Head Diameter: 9.06-Inches.Weight (Empty): 1.39 lbs.