
●PURE CLAY - Moroccan red clay is considered one of the more rare and pure clays of the Earth.
●HAND PACKED - packed in food grade, heat sealed, resealable stand up pouches
●QUALITY - Very fine silken powder ~ water-washed to remove impurities and lower any grit content.
●ORIGIN - Morocco
●FOR ALL SKIN TYPES - EXTERNAL USE ONLY Gental for all skin types, you can add powdered herbs tisanes or oils.


It is appropriate to use as an addition to your homemade beauty products, and you will find red clay in many commercial beauty products like soaps, scrubs, masques and shampoos. Applications: Using glass, pottery or wooden container, (do not use metals) combine red clay with sufficient liquid to make a paste. Let it sit 2 or 3 minutes. Using fingertips, spread a consistent layer to fully cover the skin (for the purpose of a masque, avoid getting clay in mouth, eyes, ears, nose.) Sit, if possible, and relax, maybe think some peaceful thoughts, and allow the clay to dry. (4 min. for sensitive skin, 8 minutes for normal skin.) As it dries it tightens. It is working and removing impurities. Wash thoroughly and gently to remove the masque. Follow with your choice of natural toner and moisturizer. Alternatives to water in the clay masque-paste are almost endless: Lemon juice, essential oil waters (just a drop or two), herb tisanes (peppermint, chamomile, comfrey, calendula, ginger, lavender, etc.) Powdered herbs can be added to the clay before mixing (marshmallow, calendula, slippery elm bark, etc.)