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Foam Dirt Oval Front Mounted Tires Red


- Green (Duro 30-35): Medium-soft Traditional US green.
- Firm Blue (Duro 55-65): Hard compound recommended on high traction banked carpet tracks. Also offered as a spec tire for front tires.
- Gold (Duro 40-45): Medium-firm for high bite carpet tracks. Silver and gold are BSR exclusive compounds from Japan (not the old TRC silver and gold). A gold at 40 and a gray at 40, gold has less traction than a gray and alittle more wear.
- Silver (Duro 45-50): Firm compound for high bite carpet tracks.
- Pearl-White (Duro 25-30): Soft compound, recommended for mostly carpet tracks. Great left side compound.
- White (Duro 30-35): Medium/soft compound, recommended for mostly carpet tracks. Can be used on asphalt but wears alot on asphalt.
- Gray (Duro 35-40): Medium compound recommended for mostly carpet tracks but also used on asphalt.
- Gray/Silver (Duro TBD): Dual compound-silver on outside of gray. Medium-Firm. This is a good stock right front tire.
- Black (Duro 40-45): Awesome right side tire on carpet tracks. Works well for left front on banked tracks. Good right rear tire on very high bite tracks in stock.
- Pink (Duro 30-35): Soft compound recommended for carpet and asphalt racing. Low wear/longer lasting characteristics.
- Double Pink (Duro 35-40): Medium compound recommended for carpet and asphalt racing. This is equivalent to Jaco pink. Low wear/longer lasting characteristics.
- Purple (Duro 38-43): BSR developed their own mix of select sheets and seam positioning for our purple. BSRs single purple is different than others. If you want a purple similar to say Jaco use Our Double purple. Medium/firm compound recommended for carpet and asphalt racing. Low wear/ longer lasting characteristics.
- Purple/Orange (D