Feature(may vary by option.)

●Realistic Simulation: Experience the thrill of curling in the comfort of your own home with this table curling game. Designed to replicate the excitement of traditional curling, this game a realistic simulation of the sport, allowing players to strategize, aim, and sweep their way to victory on a miniature scale.
●Compact and Portable: Unlike traditional curling, which requires a large ice rink and heavy stones, this table curling game is compact and portable, making it ideal for indoor use and travel. With its lightweight materials and portable design, you can easily set up the any tabletop or flat surface, whether at home, in the office, or on vacation.
●Easy to Learn, Fun to Play: Whether youre a seasoned curling enthusiast or a beginner, this table curling game is easy to learn and fun to play for all ages. With simple rules and intuitive gameplay, players can quickly grasp the basics of sliding, aiming, and scoring, making it perfect for family gatherings, parties, or casual entertainment with friends.
●Interactive and Engaging: Table curling a highly interactive and engaging experience, fostering and social interaction among players. As teams take turns sliding their stones towards the target, the game becomes increasingly suspenseful and strategic, keeping players on the edge of their seats as they vie for points and bragging rights.
●Skill Development and Entertainment: Beyond its recreational value, table curling also provides opportunities for skill development and entertainment. By honing their aim, precision, and strategic thinking, players can improve their cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination while having fun. Whether played for leisure or as a competitive sport, table curling hours of entertainment and enjoyment for players of all skill levels.

[Football model]


Indulge in endless hours of fun with the Tabletop Shuffleboard Game! This activity fosters imagination and includes six "balls." Unlike conventional shuffleboards, it prioritizes safety, ensuring it wont cause discomfort to children or elderly participants.

Material: ABS
Product Size:
Mat Unfolded size: about 100x29.5cm/39.37x11.61 inches
Special features: multi-player battles, interactive puzzles
Style: bowling style, curling style, basketball style, football style

Packing List:
Bowling Model:
Carpet*1+ Bowling Ball*10+ Ball*6
Curling Model:
Carpet*1+ Curling*6
Basketball Model:
Carpet*1+ Basketball*6
Football Model:
Carpet*1+ Football*6