Feature(may vary by option.)

●The package consists of 50pcs of blue baby onesie tags. These tags are single-sided. The back of the tags is white without printing.
●The tag measures 2" x 2.24" (50mm x 57mm, 5cm x 5.7cm). Measurements done at the widest point of the tag. The diameter of the punch hole for tying is 3.5mm.
●The favor tags are made using 170lbs (250GSM) white linen textured card.
●These gift tags are printed with "Thank you for popping by" with a heart-shaped cut out in the middle.
●The gift tags do NOT come with any twines or ribbons.




The package consists of 50pcs of blue baby onesie baby shower gift tags. Printing is only on one side of the tag. The back face is blank and white without any printing.