Feature(may vary by option.)

●ACCESSORY DISPLAY - Use this Small Paper Mache Mannequin to display jewelry at home or necklaces and other creations at an art show. It provides that vintage retro look making your neckalces and other creations works of art.
●SIZE - 23 inches high (bottom of stand to top of mannequin) x 6 inches wide x 5 inches deep
●Manequin Size: 12 inches high (bottom of paper mache bodice to top)
●MATERIAL - Paper mache bodice on a painted wood stand

[4 Mannequins 23 u201Dh]

[23  h Display Mannequin]


Use this Paper Mache Mannequin to display jewelry at home or creations at an art show. It provides that vintage retro look. Make your most beautiful necklaces works of art by displaying them on the dress bodice mannequin stand.