Feature(may vary by option.)

●INCLUDES: 1 Black and Yellow Pom pom Bopper Headband
●DETAILS: Made of plastic and covered with fabric
●ALSO CONSIDER: Beistle Bumblebee Cutouts Product # B002BZISTM, Beistle Bumblebee Glasses Product # B00K3IL5N0, Beistle Bumblebee Clings Product # B00FEIE28E
●CELEBRATE LIFE WITH US: Since 1900 The Beistle Company’s mission has remained the same: to help people around the world celebrate life’s events by creating fun, high quality products using the finest materials

[Soft-touch Pom-pom Boppers - Black & Yellow]

[Soft-touch Pom-pom Boppers - Assorted]

[Soft-touch Pom-pom Boppers - Black & Yellow - 2 Pack]

[Soft-touch Pom-pom Boppers - Black & Yellow - 3 Pack]
