Feature(may vary by option.)

●Natural White Wool Roving for Spinning, Hand Spinning, Handspinning, Spin it into yarn- 100% Australian Merino wool top roving
●Wool for Felting - Needle and Wet Felting Wool -Felt into chunky yarn or animals and shapes- Specifications: 23 microns with staple length of 2-3 inches/80mm.
●Easy to Needle Felt or Wet into animals, jewlery, wool dryer balls, any craft core wool
●Chunky yarn for Chunky Knit Blanket. You can Knit "as is" or felt or spin it first for added strength!
●School project, dolls, scarf, knitting, arm knitting, weaving wool, tapestry wool, wool dreads, core wool, rove, even used for bunion relief!



