Feature(may vary by option.)

●With 7 surprises in 1 package, the Color Reveal dolls deliver all kinds of delight -look for Sunny n Cool outdoor-related scenes like rainbows, florals, stars, rain clouds and tropical palm trees!Start the experience by removing the outer layer of
●packaging, unscrewing the top of the tube and pulling out a doll covered from head to toe in Color Reveal metallic blue and 4 decorated bags that keep the contents hidden!Fill the tube with warm water, place the doll inside and swirl her around -the water clouds up with metallic blue for a magical effect!Pull out the doll to reveal her look -each doll has a different
●combination of eye color, sculpted hair color, skin tone and decorated leotard.Open the 4 mystery bags to reveal their surprises -a color-change wig, skirt, pair of shoes and small sponge; store them in the tube after play!





With 7 surprises in 1 package, the Color Reveal dolls deliver all kinds of delight -look for Sunny n Cool outdoor-related scenes like rainbows, florals, stars, rain clouds and tropical palm trees!Start the experience by removing the outer layer of packaging, unscrewing the top of the tube and pulling out a doll covered from head to toe in Color Reveal metallic blue and 4 decorated bags that keep the contents hidden!Fill the tube with warm water, place the doll inside and swirl her around -the water clouds up with metallic blue for a magical effect!Pull out the doll to reveal her look -each doll has a different combination of eye color, sculpted hair color, skin tone and decorated leotard.Open the 4 mystery bags to reveal their surprises -a color-change wig, skirt, pair of shoes and small sponge; store them in the tube after play!