Feature(may vary by option.)

●7" Tall
●Bendable Wire Wings
●Poseable Limbs and Magnetic Paws







The Little Embers Deluxe Plush are approximately 7" tall and feature plastic eyes, bendable wire wings, poseable limbs and magnetic paws. When sitting in front of a friendly fire, maybe with a cup of cocoa wrapped in a cozy blanket on a winter’s night or perhaps roasting marshmallows with friends around a summer campfire... There is a moment when the flames die down leaving the logs glowing red. Then, you hear it, a slight crackle as a spent log falls apart and embers fly up into the air. That is the moment when Little Baby Embers are born! You may not see them as they play in the hearth amongst the ashes, covered in soot. But remember they are there before you go poking about in the ashes! If you are lucky, you might see a puff of a dragons kiss!