Feature(may vary by option.)

●?? Host a murderlicious murder mystery dinner party!
●?? Give each guest (and yourself!) a unique role in a thrilling murder-mystery.
●????♂? Have fun with your newly assumed identity, playing detective and trying to catch the murderer hidden in your midst with this lively group activity.
●?? Perfect for 6-8 players, aged 16+
●?? Spend 3-4 hours solving the crime and having a murderlicious time!



murder mystery dinner party murder mystery dinner party
murder mystery dinner partymurder mystery dinner party
murder mystery dinner partymurder mystery dinner party
murder mystery dinner partymurder mystery dinner party
murder mystery dinner partymurder mystery dinner party
Does the host get to play too? You bet they do! The host gets to play one of the roles just like everyone else. Dont worry, they wont know who the murderer is beforehand, either. They get to solve the murder just like all the other players, and wont know the solution till everyone does.
Is there any replay value? This game is a one-time deal with each group, since youll know the story after you’ve played it. It is possible to play with a new group of friends, but you’ll have to be awful careful not to let on you know the solution. You can also always pass it along to friends for a killer time.
Are there fixed dialogues? There arent any predetermined dialogues, so you’ll get to have fun improvising and beefing out your character as the evening develops. We do have a short introduction round to introduce each character to the group at the beginning to help you get into character, though.
Which characters are left out? If your party only has 6 or 7 guests, you will necessarily have to leave one or two characters aside. The game is written to accommodate this possibility, and the host will be advised in the spoiler-free booklet which character(s) wont be played.
What’s the gender distribution Check out the "Characters" panel above. But dont sweat it if you want to switch things up and play a male role as a woman (or vice versa). Have fun with it!
Does the murderer know... ...what they are? The murderer will be in on the secret from the very beginning. Theyll know theyre the killer from the get-go.

Whats in the box

  • Roles for each player
  • Product guides and documents