Feature(may vary by option.)

●Adhesive tape strips included
●Provides driver with stopping point in their garage
●Measures 18-3/8"L x 3-3/4”W x 1-1/3”H
●Made of durable UV stabilized resin
●Never miss your mark

[Parking Mat 1-Pk]

[Parking Aid 1-Pk]

[Parking Aid 2-Pk]


The Accu-Park helps you park cars, trucks, trailers, RV’s, 5th-wheels, bikes and other vehicles accurately and consistently. By installing the Accu-Park in your garage, you will take the guesswork out of knowing how far to pull your vehicle in. No more dings on the bumper or bumping your vehicle into items in your garage. Accu-Park will make parking stress-free and protect your valuable vehicle.