Feature(may vary by option.)

●Age 12 months +
●Great Gift Idea For Any Frozen Fan
●12 Styles Available: Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Nokk, Sven & Bruni

[3 Brunis]

[3 Olafs]

[Elsa & Olaf]

[2 Annas & Elsa]

[Sven & Nokk]


The Frozen plush toys collection is a delightful combination featuring several beloved cartoon characters. This set includes 3 adorable Olaf plush toys, each with a different design but all showcasing his signature carrot nose and coal-black eyes, making them a favorite playmate for children. Additionally, there are 2 Anna plush toys, allowing your child to swim, explore, or embark on kingdom adventures with this brave and clever princess. For children who love Bruni the fire salamander or Nokk the water horse, this toy collection also offers surprises. It includes 2 purple and 1 blue Bruni plush toy, as well as a blue Nokk plush toy. With their soft and lifelike texture, children will feel like they are really playing with these enchanted creatures from the Frozen world. The collection also features 2 plush reindeer: Sven, a brave and smart reindeer who has been Annas faithful companion and is ready to play his part when she unveils the truth with Elsa. Additionally, this set includes one of the most popular characters, Elsa, in plush toy form, allowing children to create a world and discover their own powers alongside this strong and independent Ice Queen. The entire collection includes 12 plush toys ranging in size from 3 inches to 8 inches. These plush toys are not only cute and adorable but also finely crafted with vibrant colors. They can be placed on a bedside table or taken on the go, making them essential companions in a childs growth journey.