Feature(may vary by option.)

●Tea light candle holder



The wooden block for designing in India is nearly 2000 years ago . To make these blocks artisans used to design wood by cutting it according to the shape and make the surface even, so it can stamp properly the design. Tea light holder candle light holder with wooden printing block On the fabric: to print a design on bed-sheet, curtain, apparels( like Kurtis, top, jacket), handmade fabric handbags, stole, etc. On the paper: one can use to design a print on paper bags, to make art, etc. Can be used for making temporary tattoos. Can be used to get the print of henna (Mehndi) on hand. listing is of single piece(with two extra candles) and pair(with four extra candles) if one want in other numbers please message Dimension of Handmade printing block candle stand Diameter :- 4" Height :- 1"