Feature(may vary by option.)

●PERFECT FIRST GLOVE: This teeball glove and ball set is the perfect way to introduce young kids to the game of baseball
●SOFT AND COMFORTABLE: Made with super soft materials to ensure easy fielding and no break-in time!
●FOAM BALL INCLUDED: This glove comes with a soft foam teeball so you have everything you need to practice throwing and catching whether you are indoors or out!
●LIGHTWEIGHT: Constructed with lightweight PVC for maximum comfort and ease for toddlers and younger players
●RIGHT HAND THROW: This glove is worn on the left hand for players who throw with their right hand

[Bat & Ball Set]

[Teeball Glove & Ball Set]


Designed specifically for young, first-time players, Ryans "My First Glove" offers the lightest and most comfortable fit available. With Franklins unique RTP Ready-To-Play™ construction, these gloves are engineered to go straight from the shelf to the playing field with no break-in required! Every players journey starts somewhere, and Franklins RTP™ tee ball gloves are an excellent first step!