
●Single 1mm thick sheet, Ultem 1000 grade, installs quickly on top of existing flat build platforms (e.g. borosilicate glass).
●ABS and PLA filaments (along with many other materials) print directly on to PEI surface without the need for additional adhesives, tapes, or slurry.
●REMOVE FILM FROM BOTH SIDES BEFORE USING: Blue protective film guards against scratches during shipping and handling.
●Reuse for multiple prints, just wipe down with isopropyl alcohol between prints for best results; Sheet can be asily cut down to desired size by scoring with a utility knife.


PEI (Polyetherimide) sheets provide a 3D printing build surface that requires no tape, slurry, or adhesive. ABS and PLA both stick extremely well to the surface, which eliminates the need for support rafts used for better adhesion.

How to Use:

Cut the PEI sheet to size by scoring with a hobby knife. There are two methods to attaching the PEI to your print bed. The first method is to just clamp the sheet to the print bed using binder clips. We find that 2 on each side works great.The second method, get 3M 468MP Transfer Tape and use it to stick the PEI to the print bed. Gizmo Dorks does sell 3M 468MP Transfer tape by itself or in a bundle combo pack.

Once the PEI sheet is attached, re-level your print bed and you are ready to go!

It helps to wipe the surface down with isopropyl alcohol in between prints. This will ensure the PEI is clean, and help adhesion. Light sanding with 2000 grit paper will also give the PEI sheet more life.