Feature(may vary by option.)

●Versatile and Stylish - This Butterfly Handheld Call Bell is perfect for various uses, such as a dinner bell, school bell, or hand bells for seniors bedside. Its beautiful butterfly design adds a touch of elegance to any setting, making it a great addition to your home, classroom, or office.
●Convenient and Easy to Use - With its compact size and comfortable grip, this call bell is easy to hold and ring for both adults and kids. The clear, loud sound ensures your call for assistance or attention will be heard, whether youre using it as a service bell, desk bell, or meditation bell.
●Ideal for Special Occasions - Our Butterfly Handheld Call Bell makes a charming accessory for weddings, as wedding bells for ringing at the ceremony or as a unique gift for the happy couple. It can also be used as a festive bell during a holiday festivity, adding a touch of cheer to your celebrations.
●Perfect for Caregivers and Patients - This call bell for elderly and patients at home provides a convenient and effective way to communicate needs or requests, ensuring prompt assistance and peace of mind. The gentle butterfly design also adds a touch of warmth and comfort to any bedside.
●Durable and High-Quality - Our Butterfly Handheld Call Bell is made from sturdy materials, ensuring it will last for years to come. Its large metal bell produces a clear, resonant sound from the spring mounted striker, that prevents unwanted ringing during normal handling. While the smooth plastic handle ensures a comfortable grip, making it a reliable and practical choice for all your ringing needs.

