Feature(may vary by option.)

●100% Cotton
●Velcro panels on arms for modular i.d. patches.
●This saves money: swap patches as shirts get washed.
●One arm has split organizer-pocket for pens, knife, etc; Other arm has buttoned pocket for iPhone(R) or similar.
●Velcro strip on back of neck for name tags, glint, etc; No-roll collar-stays sewn inside each ribbed collar tip.
●Small brand logo at hem (it can tuck in for uniform use).




Product Description

Pools have become ubiquitous in uniformed service. They are comfortable, stretchy, and inexpensive. They have seen no real innovation however from their golf roots. Our pools are designed with features specific to their extreme use. Available in multiple configurations/colors (choose one appropriate to your needs. )

From the Manufacturer

Polos have become ubiquitous in uniformed service. They are comfortable, stretchy, and inexpensive. They have seen no real innovation however from their golf roots. Our polos are designed with features specific to their extreme use. Available in multiple configurations/colors (choose one appropriate to your needs.).