Feature(may vary by option.)

●Copy disc to disc: duplicates DVD CD discs and virtually any data disc in a matter of minutes.
●Copy Memory card and USB flash device to DVD CD disc: transfer important data from erasable media to standardized DVD/CD discs
●Copy Memory card USB device to another memory card USB device
●Disc spanning: allows larger Memory cards and USB devices, whose contents might exceed the capacity of a single DVD/CD disc, to be placed onto the appropriate number of discs
●Multi-session technology: allows several Memory cards or USB devices to be placed onto one DVD/CD disc

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EZ Dupe media mirror plus will back up not only DVDs and CDs but virtually every type of media card and USB media device. The media mirror plus is absolutely packed with rich features such as Multi-Session technology which permits several memory cards or USB devices to be placed on a single DVD or CD. Everything that the media mirror plus copies will be with Lightning fast mirror image accuracy!