Feature(may vary by option.)

●SCUF Elite 2 Paddles are positioned for optimal ergonomic performance, shortening response time between actions so you can play faster.
●Reach the back of the controller with more comfort and ease. No more stretching your fingers to activate the paddles.
●Paddles must be removed in order to charge your controller using the Elite Series 2 charging dock.
●Built with sleek stainless steel, the SCUF Elite 2 Paddles are built to last so you can look and perform your best.

[Paddles Standard]


Paddles are the determing factor for elite gamers, allowing players to perform advanced moves. SCUF Elite 2 Paddles are positioned for optimal ergonomic performance, shortening response time between actions so you can play faster and with more comfort. Made from durable stainless-steel, these paddles are built to last.