
●Prepare your fine array of 1/700th scale tall-ships for battle focusing on the golden age sail of military maritime warfare ships combating in the period 1770-1830, the carronade era. From superbly detailed plastic Frigates, Brigs or 3rd Rates (usable for all nations) through to the mighty 1st rates in finely detailed metal and resin, there are plenty of options to take to battle!
●Utilizing a unique and innovative initiative system based around the most important factor of sail powered combat: the wind. Additional rules enable you to fight in a line of battle, engage shore batteries, rake your enemies with withering initial broadsides or capture vessels in heroic boarding actions. All while avoiding such hazards to navigation as fog banks, fire ships and shipwrecks.
●The rules allow you to field fleets comprised of vessels ranging from the tiniest gunboats up to the true giants of the waves, the mighty 1st rate warships. Can be played on a 4 x 3 table or unobstructed floor space.
●Each ship in Black Seas is accompanied by a ship card which details its speed, weaponry and other key ratings to help strategically plan battles based on their advantages.
●Build, paint and play! The construction and painting of the models and watching them come to life are just as much fun as the game itself! Paint and glue are not included.


Frigates were perhaps the hardest-worked of warship types during the Age of Sail. A small warship with a perfect balance of speed, armament and resilience that made it one of the perfect vessels for single-ship action and privateering against merchant ships. It usually had one main gun deck as well as the guns positioned on the top decks. These were categorized as either 5th or 6th rate within the British Rating System, dependent on the number of guns they mounted. The 5th rates were the archetypal frigates of the period. Used for single-ship actions and privateering, they could make their crews very rich as a result of the share of the prize money for any captured ship. A frigate was a desirable posting for a Royal Navy officer as they often saw action, so glory and promotion were more likely in addition to monetary benefits. Frigates scouted for the fleet, went on commerce-raiding missions and patrols, and conveyed messages and dignitaries. Usually, frigates would fight in small numbers or singly against other frigates. They would avoid contact with ships-of-the-line; Indeed, even in the midst of a fleet engagement, it was bad etiquette for a ship of the line to fire on an enemy frigate which had not fired first. Wargamers take note! A Brig is a two-masted square-rigged vessel, with between 10 and 18 cannons, frequently used in combat actions by various navies. Ships with less than 20 cannons were considered Unrated. These were not really meant to participate in large battles ? that was the domain of the ships of the line. However, they were the vessels of choice for privateers and still played a valuable role during larger battles, relaying orders and messages in a similar fashion to the 6th rates. The Frigates & Brigs Flotilla box contains all you need to get these vessels to the tabletop. These are suitable for navies of any nation. The kit includes a bobbin for rigging your vessels, detailed sails and pennants for every nation, as well as all the gaming materials for using the vessels in your games of Black Seas. This box set contains: 2 plastic frigates & 4 plastic brigs, Printed sails, ship cards, Wake markers, Bobbin for rigging, Acetate Ratlines and Sheets of flags & pennants.