Feature(may vary by option.)

●Traditional Ukrainian Doll. Ethnic Slavic design
●Material: Natural fabrics and threads, lace, satin ribbons, machine embroidery
●Handmade. Limited edition.
●Dimensions: 19 x 10 x 6 cm
●Made in Ukraine. Delivery from Ukraine





Motanka doll is a type of traditional amulet dolls made in Ukraine. Motanka dolls are made and tied without the use of a needle or other sharp objects. Motanka are never created with a face on them (no eyes, nose or mouth) as it’s believed that eyes are windows to the soul, and anything with eyes has a soul and is part of the family. A doll with eyes would therefore have the potential to have a soul which could create a haunted doll, therefore motanka dolls were created without a face.
Motanka doll is said to protect the family and is usually passed down through generations from mothers to children. There’s also the tradition of gifting a motanka for the birth of a child to protect mother and baby from any negative spirits.