Feature(may vary by option.)

●Name Tag and Carabiner to attach and never lose your Mouth guard
●3" wide, 2 3/4" high and 1 1/4 deep. Made in USA, PBA FREE
●Pretty, Bright, Breathable, Washable and Secure case
●Bottom Half of the container can be used for soaking your appliance
●Perfect fit for most dental appliance









Zumoe has designed and manufactured a fun, cute, new way to hold your mouth guard, Clear Invisable Retainers, mouthpiece or night guard. There are 50 designs by Zumoe, There are designs for everyone, cute, fun, attitude or blings. These cases are also great for holding jewelry while you play a sport if you do not use a mouthguard. Hope you become a Zumoe user and tell your friends about this great way to strap your mouthguard onto your sports bag, purse, lunchbox or book bag with the Carabiner and ID tag for your personal information.