Feature(may vary by option.)

●General Purpose Aluminum Foil Tape for seaming and sealing fiberglass duct board and duct wrap
●Enhances appearance and maintains vapor barrier integrity
●Recommended minimum application temperature 40ºF (4°C)
●Shiny aluminum backing offers excellent reflective properties (i. e. heat and light)
●CE ASTM E-84 / UL-723

[2   x 10 yd]

[2   x 30 yd]

[3   x 50 yd]


IPG Aluminum Foil Tape is a general purpose 1.5 mil aluminum foil tape with high tack pressure-sensitive rubber based adhesive. Great for seaming and sealing fiberglass duct board and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapor barrier integrity. Recommended minimum application temperature 40ºF (4°C). The shiny aluminum backing offers excellent reflective properties (i.e. heat, light) with a release coated kraft liner.