Feature(may vary by option.)

●Dimensions 44" by 48" inches. YOU MAY NEED 2 FOR DOUBLE STROLLERS.
●Expandable polyester mesh
●This mosquito net offers 100% protection against bugs, bees, mosquitoes & other flying insects.
●Mosquito net protects against the diseases that bugs may carry, such as the nile or zica virus.
●Compatible with 4moms strollers: origami and moxi.

[Car Seat Crotch Buckle]

[Blue Seat Liner Cushion]

[Pink Seat Liner Cushion]

[Black Seat Liner Cushion]

[Car Seat Chest Clip]

[Harness Straps]

[Organizing Hooks]

[Pink Polka Dot Cushion]

[Blue Polka Dot Cushion]

[Mosquito Net]

[Grey Seat Liner Cushion]

[Stroller Hand Strap]


Mosquito net protects against the diseases that bugs may carry, such as the nile or zica virus.