Feature(may vary by option.)

●Specially designed cap locks panels in place at 90? and 180? angles for extra stability
●Lockable gate door allows easy movement from room to room
●Optional panels allow for various size configurations
●Beautiful hardwood construction
●Recommended for small- Medium dogs 8 to 44 lbs

[49.5 LBS]


Richells Convertible Elite Pet Gate can convert to a pen, freestanding gate, or a room divider as your pet grows. The gate includes a door panel to help you pass through the opening with ease without having to move the entire gate. Each panel locks in place at 90 and 180-degrees to provide extra stability with specially designed caps. Convertible Elite Pet Gate 31.5"H comes in four colors; Autumn Matte, Black, Origami White and Cherry Brown. For pen form, Wire Top and Floor Tray are sold separately.