Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Material of the hair topper] - Heat Resistant Synthetic Fiber.
●[Size of the Wiglet topper] - 10 inches in hair length, 5 inch x 5 inch in Wiglet base size.
●[Can it be dyed, curled or straightened] - It can be curled or straightened, but synthetic hair can not be dyed.
●[Funcation] - Modify thinning hair at the Wiglet or parting place, frame facial form, change hair style, costume.
●[Kind Note] - Dark Brown Color Have Reddish Looking. Can Customize Hair Color.

[Dark Brown]




Funcation of the hair toppers:
1. Moderate Hair Loss at the Part or Wiglet.
2. Help to frame face and change hair style.
3. Avoide the damage of your own hair via dying it.
4. Props for costume party.

How to wear a hair topper:
A: Clearly identify anterior-posterior direction. Detangle the hair with a wig comb.Open all clips on the underside of the topper.
B: Place the front edge of the topper approximately 1-2 inches from the front of your hairline, positioning it over the area of hair loss, and secure the front clip.
C: Place light pressure over the top of the hairpiece and run your fingers over the length of the base to secure the back clip.
D: Style and blend hair as desired.