Feature(may vary by option.)

●INCLUDED PER PACKAGE - 4 Regular belt keepers with double metal snap buttons plus 1 double snap keeper with all metal key holder in each package. Works on both 2" and 2.25" Duty Belts.
●IDEAL FOR - anyone working in the Enforcement industry. This includes: Police Security, EMT Fire Fighters, Corrections, Jail Guard Sheriff, Deputy Constables, Armoured Vehicle, & Ambulance Drivers. Also used in the construction industry where pouches are attached to free floating belts
●HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL - Keepers work great to reduce slippage and movement or migration of accessories on free floating belts along with keeping outer belt attached to inner belt preventing sagging.
●Each Keeper is 7.25" X 1" unbuttoned and key hook keeper is 4.75" X 1" buttoned. Both are designed to fit 2 - 2.25" belts
●Bonus Key Keeper.

