Feature(may vary by option.)

●Binoculars are specified by two numbers (e.g., 8x21), where the first number represents the magnification factor. For example, 8x means the object will appear eight times closer than it would to the naked eye.
●The second number in the binocular specification (e.g., 8x21) represents the diameter of the objective lenses in millimeters. Larger objective lenses allow more light to enter, providing brighter images, especially in low-light conditions.
●This refers to the width of the area visible through the binoculars. A wider field of view is beneficial for activities like bird watching where you want to observe a broader area






Binoculars are optical instruments designed for magnified viewing of distant objects. They consist of two parallel telescopes, one for each eye, allowing the user to perceive a three-dimensional (3D) image. Binoculars are commonly used for a variety of activities, including bird watching, stargazing, sports events, hunting, and general outdoor observation.