Feature(may vary by option.)

●Indoor Snow That Is Easy To Mold and Can Be Used Over and Over Again
●Super Soft and Smooth Texture That Feels Lighter Than Air
●Includes 240 Grams of White Floof
●Safe and Non Toxic Formula.
●Designed For Children Ages 3 and Up.

[Bucket of Floof]


Playvisions new Indoor Snow allows children over the age of 3 to have fun with snow all year round 240 grams of light, soft and smooth Floof allowing children to create different shapes with their own hands The best part about Floof is that it is easy to clean up after with just a damp cloth and can be used over and over again Floof comes in a nice airtight bucket to ensure the Floof stays soft for the next time it is used. Floof is water soluble, safe and non toxic.