Feature(may vary by option.)

●HIGH-QUALITY RESULT: Color Negative Film delivers excellent image quality with fine grain, high incisiveness, and resolution, lidtuannulus astounding and memorable moments with your 135 camera.
●VERSATILE USAGE: Suitable for low-light or fast-action scenarios, color print film performs well in a range of situations and lighting conditions, making it ideal for capturing a variety of subjects.
●IDEAL FOR DIFFICULT SHOTS: With its ability to deliver good depth of field, fast shutter speeds, and an extended range of flash photo distances, camera color negative film is perfect for capturing challenging shots and achieving professional-looking results.
●MEDIUM CONTRAST AND MAGNIFICATION: Offering a medium-contrast look and medium magnification, camera color negative film is perfect for producing natural-looking colors and achieving a balanced look in your photos.
●SUITABLE FOR ALL 135 CAMERAS: With an ISO range of 320-400, 35mm camera color film is compatible with all 135 cameras, providing versatility and making it easy to use Compatible with for all types of photographers, from beginners to professionals.

[1.9x0.9in Gold]


Item Type: Camera Color Film
Material: Plastic
Size: Approx. 4.7x2.3cm / 1.9x0.9in
ISO: 320?400 Degrees
Compatible with for 135 Cameras

Package List:
1 Roll x Camera Color Film
1 x Storage Case