Feature(may vary by option.)

●This Product is Suitable For: Public Places Such As Schools,Offices,Homes,Hospitals,Restaurants,Hotels,Communities and Toilets.
●?Steel sheet high-capacity inner bucket, removable, suitable for easy waste disposal
●?Size: 630 * 280 * 280mm
●?Hygienic and quality product, practical use of metal ashtray, easy ash disposal due to the removable ashtray insert which is easy to clean
●?Restricted openings shield cigarette butts from air, oxygen flow.
●?Microcrystalline stone panel, tougher and less prone to damage

[Side opening]

[Upper opening]


This Trash Can Fits with Most Decors and Adds a Touch of Sophistication,Perfect Sizing for Any Room,Helps You to Keep the Surroundings Tidy and Organized.
Main advantage:
? Stainless steel
? Modern design for clean smoking areas
? Integrated Trash Can
? Easy to clean
? Removable ashtray can be used alone
? Ideal for indoor and outdoor, elevator environments, restaurants, balconies, etc.
Technical data:
? Material: stainless steel + titanium