
[Warmblood  & Small Draft Black]

[Large Mini Horse Royal Blue]


Derby Originals Comfort Stretch series of lycra wear was designed with your horse’s comfort in mind. All of Derby’s lycra wear is made of soft, stretchable, non-rubbing and moisture-wicking lycra that won’t damage or break your horse’s fur, but instead protect it from dirt/debris, insects, polish the coat, and harmful UV rays. Our lycra wear is also perfect for training your horse’s mane to lay flat or to one side, for keeping the coat clean and shiny, and for preventing sun bleaching. It can also be used to keep braids and banded hair neat and tidy. Our lycra gear can also be used as blanket underlayments as a non-bulky warming layer. Lycra fabric resists tears, snags, and has excellent stretching properties and “memory”. Our design features extra large eye and ear holes to accommodate for differences in each horse’s build, while still allowing for a perfect fit.