
●COMPLETELY DISSOLVES: Great for washable projects requiring complete stabilizer removal. Easily dissolves in warm water. Leaving your design clean and without builk.
●MULTIPLE USES: Wash Away stabilizer can also be used to make Free Standing Lace, bookmarks, mug rugs, bookmarks, etc. Can also be used as topping to prevent fabric from showing through.
●EASY TO HANDLE: Fibrous Non-Woven construction makes it easy to hoop and handle material. This is not a film.
●IDEAL WEIGHT: 1.5 oz. weight makes it perfect for most low to medium density designs. Use multiple pieces for added stability. Continuous roll of stabilizer allows for user-controlled piece length.
●REDUCE COSTS: Bulk roll size offers significant savings for your projects.


Water Soluble Stabilzer Hooped and EmbroideredWater Soluble Stabilzer Hooped and Embroidered

Ornament sewn into watter soluble stabilizerOrnament sewn into watter soluble stabilizer

Embroidered ornament dissolving in warm waterEmbroidered ornament dissolving in warm water

Finished ornament after dissolving stabilizer and dryingFinished ornament after dissolving stabilizer and drying

Hooped Design

Select a lace design suitable for free-standing lace embroidery. These designs are specifically created to be stitched without a fabric base. Hoop one or two pieces of water-soluble stabilizer tightly in your embroidery hoop, ensuring it is taut and smooth. Begin stitching the design the machine will stitch out the lace design onto the stabilizer.

Trimmed Design

Once the embroidery is complete, carefully remove the hoop from the machine. Trim away any excess stabilizer around the edges of the lace design, leaving a small border around the stitches.

Dissolve Remaining Stabilizer

Fill a bowl or sink with lukewarm water. Place the embroidered design into the water, ensuring it is fully submerged. Gently agitate the lace in the water to dissolve the water-soluble stabilizer.

Finished design

After the stabilizer has completely dissolved, remove the lace from the water and rinse it under running water to remove any remaining residue. Squeeze out excess water gently without twisting or wringing the lace. Lay the lace flat on a clean towel or drying rack to air dry completely. Once the lace is dry, you can shape it further if desired by using a cool iron or steam.