Feature(may vary by option.)

●STAYS IN PLACE industrial absorbent Grippy mat stays exactly where you put it with no shifting or bunching up underfoot
●EASY CLEANUP fits perfectly underneath vehicles to protect shop floors from oily leaks and drips; reduces cleanup time to keep your shop productive
●VERSATILE ABSORBENT FLOOR MAT sticks to most commercial floor surfaces including concrete, vinyl, linoleum, ceramic tile, quarry tile and laminate flooring
●REPOSITION MAT proprietary adhesive sticks to the floor with a super-tight grip, but can be easily removed and repositioned so you can reuse the mat until it becomes saturated
●BUILT TOUGH spunbond top layer with heavy-duty zigzag stitching stands up to rolling tires and service bay foot traffic

[16   x 25 ]

[32   x 100 ]

[32   x 40  ]

[16   x 50 ]

[32   x 50 ]


Make the switch to the mat that sticks! Absorbent runner catches drips from vehicles or industrial equipment, and it wont blow away when the door is open.