
●Ellis Island was abandoned in 1954. After years of deterioration, the main building was restored in 1990 to house the Immigration Museum.
●The rest of the complex remained unseen and largely untouched for half of a century, until now
●See the Electric Shock Therapy Psychiatric Ward; Morgue and Autopsy Room
●Unseen Ellis Island South Side Prior to Stabilization and Restoration:
●Reels will work in all ViewMaster viewers


The first reel, Ellis Island Vintage Images, offers a view into early images of immigrants being processed for entry to America: * Immigrants First View of Ellis Island * Hopeful Immigrants on Ship * Immigrants in Waiting Area * Brief but thorough Medical Exam * Inspector Checking for Trachoma Eye Disease * New Americans * Immigrants Settled in Lower Eastside NYC. The other 2 reels provide a look at Ellis Island few have ever seen. Its the South Side priori to stabilization and renovation. A unique glimpse.