Feature(may vary by option.)

●Teakwood didgeridoos are made of branch pieces and covered with a linseed oil finish in the inside and the outside, 39" long, 2" mouth piece, 3-4" bell end
●They are perforated and similar in the sound to the eucalyptus instruments.
●They have a good counter - pressure and allow a complete play.
●They are cheaper than eucalyptus didgeridoos but very tear solid
●Made for beginners and children

[39 inch]

[51 inch]

[59 inch]


Teakwood didgeridoos are made of branch pieces and covered with a linseed oil finish in the inside and the outside. They are perforated and similar in the sound to the eucalyptus instruments. They have a good counter - pressure and allow a complete play. They are cheaper than eucalyptus didgeridoos but very tear solid. Length: 39 inch, specially made for beginners and children