Feature(may vary by option.)

●Body cooling that ACTUALLY works! No gimmicks. Strong and ultra long-lasting.
●Lasts up to two hours! No refrigeration needed. (Refreshing Mint)
●Keeping cool in hot environments can be quite a challenge. Beat the heat and get cubed with ICE- CUBED!

[Soothing Coconut]

[Refreshing Mint]


ICE-Cubed (ICE^3) is a body cooling product using a specialized formulation developed with our proprietary ‘bio-receptor technology’. These pre-moistened wipes(towels) invigorate the senses by providing the strongest and longest-lasting cooling experience available for hot/warm/humid conditions when applied to the skin. These refreshing towels allow users to cope better with heat stress. ICE-Cubed helps the body feel cool, relaxing body and mind! This unique “Zen-Cooling Effect” can also be very effective at improving performance for anything requiring concentration and focus. Highly recommended for sporting activities like GOLF! Nice to have when you’re watching these events too. Perfect for warm days at the ballpark. Also works great for stress relief such as long lines, traffic jams, work, as well as annoying people. Also very good for symptoms of menopause, like hot flash. Perhaps the best use are just for chillin’ out doing whatever; relaxing by the pool, music concerts, hanging out with friends on a hot night, you name it! ICE-Cubed is travel-friendly and requires no prior refrigeration or water-soaking. These towels are ready-to-use straight out of the pack! Stay cool and relax! Other Great Uses: 1. Exercise, various sports related activities, and active lifestyles (running, walking, yoga, cycling, skating, golf, tennis, fitness training, etc.) 2. Outdoor activities (hiking, camping, fishing) 3. Traveling (airports, airplanes, subway/trains, car etc.) 4. Gardening/yard work 5. Recreation events such as stadiums, concerts, shows, night clubs, dancing 6. Spa, massage, foot relaxation. 7. Also excellent for working in hot/warm, dry or humid environments. Accept no substitutes, Get Cubed with ICE-CUBED!