
●★【Water and Air Permeability】: Permeable woven fabric, allows water and air to go through, no matter if it is a rainy or windy day.
●★【Sun Shade and UV Blockage】: Blocks up to 95% harmful UV and sunlight, significantly reduces temperature by at least 10 - 15 degrees, saving you on A/C costs.
●★【Premium HDPE Material and Reinforced Design 】: Fabric is made of woven HDPE ( High Density Polyethylene), corner D rings are made of stainless steel, which are attached to the heavy duty white webbing surrounding the perimeter.
●★【Styling】: Shade sails don’t just provide shade, they are also a versatile decorative piece that can integrate with your existing design and elevate your outdoor space like patio, carport, pergola, tent, pool, backyard.
●★【Custom Size and Warranty】: There are tons of custom size sun shade sails to meet all your requirments. Our sun shade sails come with 3 years limited warranty under the normal weather and usage.

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UV BlockUV Block

Commercial grade material and up to 95% UV protecion with 90% shading rate.


The polyethylene weave does not absorb water or humidity. The high quality HDPE breathable shade fabric material ensure shade sails stand up to years outdoor.

Curved edgeCurved edge

Heavy dutyHeavy duty


Edges are made slightly curved based on precisely calculated radian, help shade sail to stay tight and neat after installation.

The heavy duty sails are more affordable option that is great to use where flexibility and easy mobility.

We also accept custom made orders, just let us know the size and color, we can get it done in a few days.


  • measure from corner to corner.
  • Locate 4 mounting points, they can be roof, trees, poles, wall, etc.
  • Make sure there are 0.5 ft to 1 ft space for the hardware kits between the shade sail and the mounting points.
  • Install the hardware kits


The 3 main techniques for tensioning a shade sail are:

1. Perimeter wire rope,

2. Height variation,

3. Tensioning hardware.

When utilized properly, these methods work together to create an artistic structure that can add to the beauty of any outdoor living space

8x12 10x13 10x16 12x16 14x18 16x20
ShadeMart 8 x 12 Beige Sun Shade Sail Rectangle ShadeMart 10 x 13 Beige Sun Shade Sail Rectangle ShadeMart Beige 10 x 16 Sun Shade Sail ShadeMart Beige 12 x 16 Sun Shade Sail ShadeMart 14 x 18 Beige Sun Shade Sail Rectangle ShadeMart 16 x 20 Beige Sun Shade Sail
Size 8 x 12 10 x 13 10 x 16 12 x 16 14 x 18 16 x 20
GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM
UV Blockage 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%
Curved Edges ? ? ? ? ? ?
Rust Free ? ? ? ? ? ?
Customizable ? ? ? ? ? ?
10x10 12x12 14x14 16x16 fghgtr fdsd
ShadeMart 10 x 10 Beige Sun Shade Sail Square ShadeMart 12 x 12 Beige Sun Shade Sail Square ShadeMart 14 x 14 Beige Sun Shade Sail Square ShadeMart 16 x 16 Beige Sun Shade Sail Square ShadeMart Hardware Kit + Rope For Rectangle Sun Shade Sail ShadeMart Hardware Kit + Rope + Winch For Rectangle Sun Shade Sail
Size 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 Hardware Kit + Rope Hardware Kit + Rope + Winch
GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM 190 GSM
UV Blockage 95% 95% 95% 95%
Curved Edges ? ? ? ?
Material HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Rust Free ? ? ? ? ? ?
Customizable ? ? ? ?