Feature(may vary by option.)

●A one-step process to safely restore lightly oxidized, scratched, or stained gelcoat finishes
●Easy-on easy-off formula brings back color & shine in a single application
●Fast cut leaves high gloss finish with protection from damaging effects of the sun
●Easily apply fiberglass polish by hand compared to rubbing compounds
●16 ounce bottle


TotalBoat Fiberglass Polish rejuvenates the color and gloss back from lightly oxidized (faded), scratched, or stained marine gelcoat surfaces. The unique liquid color restorer combines a light compound cleaner with boat wax. The marine polish is a single step formula that is easier and safer to use than heavy duty rubbing compounds. Apply the marine polish easily by hand. No electric buffers necessary. Compare TotalBoat Fiberglass Polish to 3M Marine Cleaner & Wax, McLube Hullkote Speed Polish, and Meguiar’s Color Restorer. For best results, follow up with TotalBoat Marine Paste Wax or Podium Finish Polish. All TotalBoat marine products are developed by boaters for boaters, to provide great value and great results.