Feature(may vary by option.)

●Highly addictive trainers choice for fetching, bonding and to calm down nervous horse.
●Designed to trigger natural fetching instinct with improved focus, our hand painted details and colors last much longer.
●Safe, durable, non toxic washable latex rubber for all size and breeds, indoor and outdoor use.
●With squawking sound at every bite, your horse will love to play with it even when you are absent.
●11" X 3.15 ", 5Ozs. Hefty enough for long distance play.

[2 Pack]

[1 Pack]


Highly addictive trainers choice for fetching, bonding and to calm down nervous horse. Designed to trigger natural fetching instinct with improved focus, our hand painted details and colors last much longer. Safe, durable, non toxic washable latex rubber for all size and breeds, indoor and outdoor use. With squawking sound at every bite, your horse will love to play with it even when you are absent. 11" X 3.15 ", 5Ozs. Hefty enough for long distance play.