
●Perfect instrument for relax and meditation
●Highest sensitivity - even softest touch gives wonderful sound
●Harmonic, deep, colorful sound - you will like this jaw harp from first seconds!!
●Very easy to play (but should be handled correctly)
●Light and compact protective cedar case with neck lace

[Shamanic Case]


Funny jaw mouth jews harp as souvenir toy Altay komus jaw harp Russian jaw harp for beginners Low bass jaw harp jews harp for meditation Perfect trance jaw harp Best bass professional jaw harp
Tuulu Altai Yungur Yamanigan Belyatur Shunut Shugunyak
Average frequency, Hz 90 90 70 50 60 50
Overtone clarity Ok Low Very good Ok Good Very good
Timbre Smooth Crowded Balanced Saturated Saturated Balanced
2-directional stroke Average Dirty Good Dirty Very good Perfect
Sensitivity Low Good Very good Extreme Extreme Very good
Loudness Low Average Good High High Good
Ease of handling Best Best Average Good Ok Good
Purpose Toy or budget music Fun, toy, souvenir Inexpensive start for any use Great for slow relax Perfect for trance/rhythm playing Perfect bass for any use

Jews Harp

Jews harp - mouth musical instrument, producing very unusual sounds by stroking its reed while frame end is pressed to teeth. Timbre and pitch changes by moving tongue, lips, throat and breathing. Jews harps can be very different - it is a whole world.

  • It can be used for playing music using overtones (set of JH notes, slightly different from modern musical scale).
  • It can be used for fun - every single stroke is an unique experience and it is harp to stop doing that, starting once.
  • It can be used to remembering our tribal roots and finding piece and harmony with nature. All you need is to "pluck", listen and feel.

Jews harp is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world with pocket size. Almost forgotten in the last century harp made a few masters in all parts of the world, and over the past 10 years even improved in acoustic terms. Its rhythmic possibilities are endless and ability to change timbre in extreme, unusual ways are spectacular. Pure melodic playing with distinct overtones is possible too (with best musical models).

Jaw harp, juice harp, mouth harp, ozark harp, trump, jews trump are obsolete or wrong names of the jews harp. This name has nothing common with the Jewish people. Other names for jews harp in various regions of the world are: vargan, khomus, guimbarde, maultrommel, munnharpe, kubyz, dan moi, mondharp, temir-komuz, morsing, morchang, doromb, parmupill. More than 1000 names are known.

To produce first sound, two frame ends must be hardly pressed to upper and lower teeth - not to lips - with left hand. Right index finger, vertically positioned, will stroke reed elbow at direction, perpendicular to frame plane, inward and outward.

Most common mistakes:

  • Dampening reed with lips - try to remove them completely from the frame first time. Lips should not help to hold jews harps.
  • Pressing frame to lips instead of teeth - sound will be muffled and quiet.
  • Pressing frame too hard, squeezing it with lips or fingers - in this case you will hear metallic clanging when reed hit frame. IT IS NOT JEWS HARP FAULT and nothing should be "repaired", except handling accuracy!

If all ok and you started buzzing, try to move tongue, throat, change shape of mouth. Some positions will produce exact notes; some just change timbre and volume. Let the fun begins!

Based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia since 2008, Oberton Pro specializes on jews harps and developing culture of their musical usage.

The Center consists of

  • Store/workshop with largest selection of jews harps from all parts of the world
  • School with unique program combining classical musical training base with jews harps specifics
  • Live venue, holding concerts, training, jams and other public events
  • Studio, showing jews harps music to the world
  • Museum, showing jews harp history starting from X-XII centuries

Our main interest is to hear lot of great music with a jews harp actively involved. This can be achieved only with spreading really good instruments, suitable for music. We doing lot of research and analysis on all models available in the market and trying to promote not "shiny loud things" to one month fun, but instruments, capable to Teach and Play.

Waiting for you Jews Harp Art!

Product information