Feature(may vary by option.)

●1/8" thick x 1" wide x 30 long
●For best results refrigerate before use
●Heat and sunlight resistant - Grows stronger as it ages
●Works great around windows, baggage doors, entry doors, roof vents and more






This butyl tape is trimmable, non-hardening, strong, butyl elastic material which can provide amazing sealing properties to objects made out of rubber roof, plastic, cement glass, wood, and metal. Butyl tape works great for RV baggage doors, RV roof vents, RV windows, RV entry doors and many other properties. As this butyl tape ages, it grows stronger in adhesion creating an air locking seal. This tape is sold per roll of 1/8" x 1" wide x 30 length. Butyl tape is very easy to work with and provides amazing sealing performance. It features a resistance to sunlight and heat and remains consistent in its sealing properties through all weather conditions.